Air Quality
Crop, livestock, and poultry farming are all major agriculture industries that have a major impact on our air quality. Finding solutions for the air pollution and odor emissions caused by these industries moves to the front of the list, quickly as populations across the globe continue to skyrocket. Thus, creating more demand for food to feed these populations.
Photocatalytic systems are taking center stage when it comes to solutions with the greatest impact.
Photocatalysis, is an advanced oxidation process for improving air quality. It has shown great promise for mitigating odorous gasses in livestock and poultry farming due to its efficiency. Odor emissions from intensive livestock and poultry farming can pose significant environmental and health concerns.
Photocatalytic deodorization systems demonstrate the ability to remove efficiencies of up to 98% for ammonia (NH3), 89.9% for hydrogen sulfide (H2S), 99% for volatile organic compounds (VOC), and 17.2% for particulate matter (PM). Researchers have demonstrated the ability to remove VOC’s such as benzene, toluene, E-benzene, xylene, acetone, and formaldehyde. Meanwhile, ZnO photocatalysts shows the potential to disinfect pathogens such as Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus).
Photocatalysis is a photoactivation process that transforms chemicals through the irradiation of semiconductor metal oxides (as catalysts).
Photocatalysis is among the most favored treatments due to its environmental compatibility.
Photocatalytic oxidation has demonstrated to be a promising technique because of its non-toxicity, relatively low cost, lack of mass transfer limitations, chemical stability, and possible operation at ambient temperatures. Various types of photocatalysts have been used for this treatment process. However, TiO2 and ZnO are the most frequently used catalysts for photocatalytic processes in water treatment due to their high photochemical stability and piezoelectric characteristics.

Information on this subject can be found online at the academic publisher, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI).
Building Materials
However, the agriculture is not the only sector that is greatly benefiting from graphite’s ability to improve air quality. 3M has created a shingle that has the roofing industry improving air quality in ways never imagined. So much so, that Time Magazine called their asphalt shingle one of the best inventions of 2018.
Our proprietary product, Agri Minerals Graphite Sand (AMGS) is changing how we can improve air quality at a very reasonable cost.
For more information on (AMGS) and sales, contact us.