Greensmiths Southwestern Graphite Mine

Aquatic Ecosystems

Aquatic Ecosystems

Water that is home to organisms that live in or on it, is considered an aquatic ecosystem. The water is essentially the home to these living things. If the water that these living things live in and on becomes contaminated, it could essentially kill anything that considers it home. As you can imagine, keeping the water free from pollutants and contaminants would be key.

So, how does this apply to the every man? Very simply, it does and in numerous ways.

Let’s start with the obvious, fish. If humans or animals consumed fish that were contaminated, it could potentially make the consumers sick and in some cases, die. Reason #1 to keep bodies of water free of pollutants and contaminants.

Aquatic Ecosystems

Less obvious would be runoff. When it rains or snows that body of water will become more full. If the rain or snow is substantial enough it may cause the body of water to fill up and potentially overflow. Now let’s say that the body of water was full of contaminants. The process of overflowing is now pushing the excess water outside of the body of water. At this point it flowing to the Earth around it. Thus, contaminating the soil, vegetation, or rocks in the vicinity. However, it does not end there.

As future rains and snow continue over time, it continues to move the original overflow of water deeper and further into the surrounding soil, vegetation, and rocks. It continues to spread the original pollutants and contaminants throughout the Earth. Ultimately, making its way into the soil that grows our food, bodies of water that are home to the fish we may eat, and into the water that we drink.

A small body of contaminated water can be the cause for a far greater outbreak of contamination.

Food Supply

Eliminating this domino effect is key to keeping our food and water supply clean and safe for consumption. Not only for humans but for wildlife as well. You can see how a small body of water that is contaminated can create a much larger and alarming issue.

Ammonia (NH3) and ammonium (NH4+) are two of the primary contaminants that lead to the serious deterioration of aquatic ecosystems. Additionally, they can cause significant risk to both humans, wildlife, and aquatic life.

Agri Minerals Graphite Sand (AMGS) is an effective absorbent material which can eliminate toxic levels of both ammonia and ammonium in water. Furthermore, it is a low cost solution that has many additional benefits to nature and the removal of pollutants. You can simply and effectively manage aquatic ecosystems with AMGS.

For more information on our Agri Minerals Graphite Sand (AMGS) and sales, contact us.